I was inspired this morning by something Elisabeth Elliot wrote. It was concerning faith. She spoke to a woman who told her, "I believed in nothing at all. I wished I could, but it just wasn't there. I began praying, without faith, that God would help me to believe. He did. I know He answers that kind of prayer." This made me consider how many times throughout the day I am required to exercise faith and how often my faith falls short of where it should be. But God is faithful and my prayer should be "help me where faith falls short" Mark 9:24.
Elisabeth Elliot also wrote, "Unbelief is a stronghold of such spiritual power that only mighty spiritual weapons can storm it. We have those weapons--"not merely human, but divinely potent to demolish strongholds" (2 Cor 10:4). Prayer is one of them. Must we be experts in its use? The young woman's testimony shows that we need not. We must only come, aware that our faith is not enough, aware that the Lord Himself waits to help us if only we ask. Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon his knees."
If I ever lack in faith, that is not an excuse to lack in obedience. That would be a time of God calling me to grasp a hold of His objective truth, even if my subjective feelings were not there.
"O Lord, I love the feeling of Your nearness and pray I always have it. But I also pray, that if You choose to withhold the feelings of my faith for a time, that I will continue to trust You, knowing that You are using that as a way to draw me ever closer to You. When the waves of unbelief crash against me, I know that You are my stronghold and fortress. "The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth."-Psalm 145:18."
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