I had a fun movie date with my Mom last night. We went to see a chick flick, which I was finally in the mood for. We went to see Becoming Jane and it did turn out to be a MAJOR chick flick! What do I mean by that? Well, the entire theater was packed with women! And three men. I give them big props for sticking with their girls and sitting through an entire movie, even though they were surrounded by females. It was quite comical. I don't do movie reviews...so that ends my Becoming Jane discussion!
Anyway...that's my little randomness for the day.
Oh, also, I was reading in Lisa Beamer's, "Let's Roll" and she referenced the hymn "It Is Well With My Soul" and told the history behind it. Even after hearing the story numerous times, it never ceases to strike my heart and make me more aware than ever, that God is the source of our souls well being.
In 1873, Horatio Spafford, his wife and four young, daughters decided to vacation in Europe. At the last moment Horatio was detained by business, and Anna and the girls went on ahead, sailing on the ocean liner S.S. Ville de Havre. On November 21, 1873, the liner was rammed amid ship by a British vessel and sank within twelve minutes. Anna was picked up unconscious on a floating spar, but the four children had drowned. Nine days after the shipwreck Anna landed in Cardiff, Wales, and cabled Horatio, "Saved alone." After receiving Anna's telegram, Horatio immediately left Chicago to bring his wife home. On the Atlantic crossing, the captain of his ship called Horatio to his cabin to tell him that they were passing over the spot where his four daughters had perished. While passing over that spot he sang the words,
"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul"
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