Tuesday, March 3, 2009

First Aid Kit = Strength & Life

Have you ever played a video game where your character's life was drained dangerously low and the only hope you had to make it to the end of the level was to pick up a first aid kit or whatever source of strength or life giving power that was available? Your life bar fills back up and you are suddenly renewed and refreshed to fight on through the excitement and struggles of the game. - I know it's a silly example, but God brought it to my mind none the less, concerning the day by day experiences we walk through. It made me ask myself how often I go to God for "life giving strength"? Do I try to make it through my day on my own? Do I fall into bed at night exhausted and heavily burdened? Yes, I do sometimes. But that isn't how it's meant to be. God has granted us access to "first aid kits" throughout our day. He hasn't put a lock on the door where they are stored or given us a limit of one per day. He will give us as many as we need. Only pride and self-sufficiency would force a player onward without "first aid" to try to make it to the end of a level on their own. O, how often I do the very same thing without even realizing it! Just like the creator of the game you play knows what's in store at each level of the game and has strategically placed strength aids at points along the way, so does our Heavenly Father. He is sovereign over every moment and circumstance of our lives. He knows when we'll succeed and when we'll fail. He knows when we'll be strong and when we'll need help. He is more than willing to give us all the help, strength, comfort and support we need, all we have to do is claim it! God created our lives and set forth the steps we should take. He is faithful to provide us with all the help we need to accomplish what He has called us to.

God's Help for God's Assignment - Elisabeth Elliot
Sometimes a task we have begun takes on seemingly crushing size, and we wonder what ever gave us the notion that we could accomplish it. There is no way out, no way around it, and yet we cannot contemplate actually carrying it through. The rearing of children or the writing of a book are illustrations that come to mind. Let us recall that the task is a divinely appointed one, and divine aid is therefore to be expected. Expect it! Ask for it, wait for it, believe that God gives it. Offer to Him the job itself, along with your fears and misgivings about it. He will not fail or be discouraged. Let his courage encourage you. The day will come when the task will be finished. Trust Him for it.

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