Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Serving Others...

I have been thinking a lot about the verse in 1 Corinthians 1:4-7 and what it means to put the interests of others above myself. It seems that our whole lives are to be devoted to serving others and the exciting fact is that sacrificing for others really is a joy and blessing. God has uniquely made and gifted each of us to serve and bless each other. Carolyn McCully posted the following post on her blog and though it is highlighting Masculine Mentoring, what the Lord used to speak to me was how we are all called to lay down our lives for one another and the Lord has gifted us to do that. In the post, the wife is daily laying down her life for her children and submitting to her husband and her husband is laying down his life for her. Am I doing this with my family, friends and church? Putting others needs above my own could mean confronting them when it would just be easier to not say anything. It could mean offering to help take care of something in the midst of a busy season for them. It may be doing something they want to do even if it’s not my preference. It could mean guarding and protecting others even when it takes extra effort and they don’t want it. It could be taking the time to encourage someone. I know for myself, I often live a self-focused, self-serving life. I do this and that because “I” want to. I talk to that person because “I” want to. I am not being a keeper of that friend because “I” would have to work at it. I can’t serve you today because “I” am too busy. I am praying for a fresh heart to love others above myself and serve them for their good and God’s glory. How can I pour myself into others and what would loving the people God has placed in my life look like? The answers may look different then I think…

“One of the bloggers I follow, Justin Buzzard, wrote about the advice he received from an older man in his congregation upon the birth of his second son, Hudson:

...I am adding a prayer for your marriage. Clearly more stress and pressure will be applied with two young 'uns and all the great stuff you are involved in.

We talk about being "intentional" all the time. Over the next year you are really going to have to be intentional in putting Taylor's needs ahead of your own. She will be 24/7 putting the needs of two boys ahead of her wants, desires and needs...that's the just the way it is in this stage with multiple she is going to desperately need someone to pamper her and put her first...prioritize her.

Guess what? That is YOU. :) I know this sounds kind of like a raw deal (I mean, who is going to be pampering Justin?). But this is the Biblical model. Christ laid down his life so that He could present the church (bride) blameless. I think as men we have that same challenge. We need to be building into our wives by serving them, meeting their needs, putting them first in all things...that's how we lead them to a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Fight the very human desire to want something for yourself. When those thoughts come, try and transfer it to, "How can I take something off of Taylor's plate today?"I know this may sound a bit brutal in lieu of all you have going on....but God made you strong for a purpose. He gave you an abundance of gifts for a purpose. And He has provided many friends to pray for you all for a purpose...”

1 comment:

dating virgin said...

i loved this link from carolyn. such a good encouragement for this husband...and all husbands!