Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Doing Hard Things...

I have recently been thinking about the practice of “doing hard things” and thinking what those hard things in my own life look like. Scripture is full of stories of people having to do “hard things”. Some were situations thrust upon them to strengthen their faith. Some were choices they had to make in opposition of their desires in order to obey God. Whatever the case may be, it seems true that we are all called to do “hard things” for God. Doing “hard things” for God isn’t to gain favor and increase our standing with Him…through Christ, we already have a perfect standing with God and are complete. But He does call us to “hard things” for His glory, our good and sometimes the good of others. So, what “hard things” is God asking me to do? Well, in my own life, it seems that the things that are “hard” for me to do are because I want to do something else instead. When things get hard for me is when they are in opposition to my desires.

I think one of the most beautiful stories of someone having to “do hard things”, besides the story of Jesus, is that of Abraham. After waiting on the Lord for years to fulfill His promise to give him and Sarah a son, it had finally come true. But then the Lord asked him to sacrifice his beloved son. Because Abraham feared and trusted in the Lord, he was willing to do this “hard thing”. But God spared Isaac and blessed Abraham. Do I fear and trust in the Lord like Abraham did? Not even close. What desires have I made idols out of that would make it difficult to doing something hard regarding it? Often times being faced with “hard things” and having to walk them out proves our heart and motives about things as well. Just as Abraham was asked to sacrifice Isaac, we are sometimes asked to sacrifice what our heart or flesh loves. Some of the things we love may be good and some may not, but do we trust God enough to release them to Him? Do we love others enough to sacrifice our preferences for their good? Do we love God enough to honor and obey Him even when it’s hard? Sacrifice never seems to be easy…or else it wouldn’t be a sacrifice, but God always grants the grace and strength to walk through it. And He always works everything together for our good and His glory. The truth is, I need my heart and motives tested. I need to see why I do what I do. Do I make decisions based on people and circumstances or am I seeking God about what to do? Do I shy away from “hard things” or do I trust God to lead me through it and sanctify me in the process? The “hard things” God might call us to do will look different in everyone’s lives, but our response should look the same. God’s grace is sufficient and His mercies new every morning. When I choose to rely on God first and foremost instead of myself, the “hard things” He is calling me to do, not only become easier, but often become a joy as well. Doing hard things may look like climbing up the face of a scary mountain to us, but unlike earthly harnesses that can break and fail, God will never fail and will never let us fall. There is always a beautiful and breathtaking view to be enjoyed after a hard climb and often times, the harder and longer the climb, the more amazing the view.

“…who through faith conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness…” – Hebrews 11:33-34

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. – 2 Corinthians 12:9-10


Candace said...

"There is always a beautiful and breathtaking view to be enjoyed after a hard climb and often times, the harder and longer the climb, the more amazing the view."

Thanks for this reminder, Lana! It is challenging and very well spoken! This is something that I'm learning more and more each and every day!

Lana said...

Thanks Candace! I'm right there with you in the learning process. =) God is faithful though.