Thursday, July 26, 2007

Taking A Step Through Time

Well, I never did get around to posting today's devotions. I did get some Bible reading in, but that was about it. My morning started with getting up late and rushing to work. Once there I had to work on creating some ads to go in Saturday's paper for the agents. I normally have until three in the afternoon to do this, but I had to be downtown at one-thirty, so they needed to be in early. I had to go downtown for work to receive my "token" device and have a short class about it. This is all for upping our security for one of our programs. Anyway, that is over and I must say that I enjoyed going down to the Prime Osborn Center where we met. It use to be an old train station, I think, and is beautifully multifarious. I quite liked it! I've always been intrigued with old buildings and old train stations are a bit enigmatical. They hold pieces to the puzzles of peoples lives. They hold greetings and farewells. Love stories and tragedies. I think it would be fascinating to be able to go back in time and just spend a day train and people watching. Maybe it's the affect the old movies have had on me that make train stations seem so appealing or maybe the remarkable trains themselves that capture me, I'm not sure. Oh well, I just thought I'd share about my fun little visit...

Until next time...

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