Monday, July 23, 2007

Morning Reflections

This morning while doing my devotions I was reading Daniel 2. It tells the story about when King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that no one could interpret. In his anger he commanded all the wise men of Babylon to be killed. When Daniel heard this and knew that he and his three companions were to be put to death as well, he went to his friends and told them to "seek the mercy of God of heaven" to reveal the mystery of the dream to them. When God answered their prayers Daniel "blessed the God of heaven" and then continued to bless the Lord and recite truths about Him.
Upon being faced with trouble, ultimately death, Daniel's first response was to go to the Lord for help. And the Lord was faithful to answer those prayers. Also, Daniel could have gone to the king and boasted of his skill and knowledge in being able to interpret the dream, but instead He proclaimed the name of God and humbly said that the mystery of the dream had not been revealed to him because of any great wisdom that he had. God honored Daniel through Nebuchadnezzar who placed him in a high position and bestowed gifts upon him.
This passage is definitly a somber reminder for me to always go to God first in all situations and to always give honor and praise to the Lord when He is faithful to me. And He is "Always" faithful!

The second part of my devotions came from Morning & Evening. The scripture for the morning was Obadiah 1:11 "Even thou wast as one of them." Spurgeon was speaking of the importance of distinguishing ourselves from the world, but the line that really struck me was, "Thou wouldst not desire to share their eternal doom, why then be like them here?" How convicting and how true! Why would we even dabble in the world when we know what God has called us to and what their fate is? We are called to share the Gospel with the world, but "Side with the afflicted people of God, and not with the world."

"Thank you Lord for these insights and truths. Your mercies are new every morning and your grace sufficiant for each day. May I meditate on what I've read today and walk in a manner worthy of the Gospel."

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