Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where Dreams Come True!

I'm sorry for the lack of posting over the last few days. My sister and brother-in-law are in town and well, we have been busy. It's wonderful to have them here and spend time with them. Unfortunately, the blog will have a few more days of emptiness. My family is going down to Orlando today and we'll be going to The Magic Kingdom tomorrow! It's so funny how I have been there over and over and over again and yet it never gets old. To be incredibly cheesy...I still feel the magic when I'm standing at the gates and beholding "The Kingdom". The sights and smells all create a nostalgic experience that is unexplainable. I honestly think most of my feelings about the whole thing relate to the times spent there while growing up. My parent's would take my sister, brother and I there quite often and the time spent together and memories made have left a lasting impression. Anyway, sorry to ramble on about my childish excitement, but it's just so fun! So, off I go. I hope everyone is experiencing God's great faithfulness and grace so far this week. Back soon!

Magical . . . . . . . . FUN
Princesses . . . . . . . . . Kingdom
........................... MEMORIES
MiCkEy MoUsE
......................Cotton Candy
Music ...............................FOOD
PIRATES .........................................PRINCES

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