Thursday, February 5, 2009

Unload Your Burdens

Whether sin, trials, difficulties, needs, anxieties, fears or whatever the situation, I can say with absolute conviction that all will be well when I place them at the feet of my Heavenly Father. "Lord, thank you for Your unfailing faithfulness. In a world that is either mistrusting of everything or places it's trust in the wrong things, may I place my trust in the only true source of security. Thank you for Your constant kindness to us and for sustaining Your people by Your grace. May I seek to glorify You always. Amen"

"Cast your burden on the Lord, and he shall sustain you" - Psalm 55.22

Is SIN your burden?
What a mighty sin-bearer is Jesus.
“Jehovah has laid on Him the iniquities of us all.”
Cast this burden on Jesus.
Though He bore it all once,
He bears it all afresh in every sin we confess at His feet,
and in every trace of guilt we bring to the renewed cleansing of His blood.
Attempt not to carry your sin a single moment, or a single step–
take it at once in penitence and faith to Jesus;
confess it unreservedly,
and wash afresh in the fountain still open and still accessible to you.
Is TRIAL your burden, O my soul?
Jesus is a ‘tried stone,’
and is, therefore, in all respects equal to yours.
He has sent, or has permitted, this trial to befall you,
that you might learn more of this precious tried stone.
The Lord tests the faith of the righteous,
that they might test His faithfulness.
Test His wisdom to guide,
test His strength to sustain,
test His love to bring you through this trial,
even as gold, to the glory of His great name.
Perhaps your burden is a DIFFICULTY
which, like a huge stone, stands in your path…
“Is anything too hard for me? says the Lord.”
He can unravel your perplexity,
disentangle you from all your difficulties,
and roll the stone from your path.
Cast this burden upon Him.
Is NEED your burden?
What need cannot the Lord supply?
All the resources of Infinity are at His command…
Does He provide for the fowls of the air?
then do you think that He will starve the children of His love?
…whatever your burden, cast it in the prayer of faith on the Lord.
Peculiar and heavy though it may be,
His strength and grace and love will sustain you.
Encircled by His almighty arm,
aided by prayer,
upheld by the promises,
strengthened by His grace,
soothed by His sympathy,
and comforted by His Spirit,
you shall not sink, for it is written,
“Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you.”
octavius winslow daily needs, divinely supplied

1 comment:

Candace said...

AAAhhh... How refreshing!

THANK YOU! I needed to read that today!