Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Secure In The Unchanging

With so much going on with our country right now, it could be easy to become anxious about the future. Things are in a constant state of change and not always for the better. As Christians, the truth that God never changes should comfort us and secure our hearts. Though to us things may seem uncertain, they never are to God. Nothing ever happens that catches Him off guard. He has sovereignly ruled over this earth since the beginning of time and He will continue to do so until He calls us home. So today, lets put our trust in God and not man and lets praise God for being our constant anchor that never changes.

“It is just as well for us that in all the variableness of life there is One whom change cannot affect, One whose heart can never alter, and on whose brow inconsistency can make no furrows…The delight that the sailor feels when, having been tossed about on the waves, he steps again upon the solid shore is the satisfaction of a Christian when, in all the changes of this distressing life, he rests the foot of his faith upon this truth —‘I THE LORD DO NOT CHANGE.’”

“The stability that the anchor gives the ship when it has at last obtained a solid hold is like that which the Christian’s hope provides him when it fixes itself upon this glorious truth. With God ‘there is no variation or shadow due to change.’ Whatever his attributes were in the past, they are now; His power, His wisdom, His justice, His truth are unchanged. He has forever been the refuge of His people, their stronghold in the day of trouble, and He is still their sure Helper. He is unchanged in His love.”
~ Charles Spurgeon ~
“He is unchangeable… what He desires, that He does.For He will complete what He appoints for me.”job 23.13-14

1 comment:

overthinker said...

wow lana. thank you so much for sharing these good words. it was very timely for me. i've not given much thought to the election recently, but there are other circumstances in my life that Spurgeon post speaks to. how blessed we are to have that stable anchor!