Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Our Personal Phone Booth

Prayer has always been one of my most cherished gifts from God, but it has become even more precious over the last couple of months. To know that I am able to go to my best friend and Father with any fear, any troubling circumstance, any joy or praise at any moment of any day makes my heart fill with gratitude. God constantly tells us in scripture to bring our praises and petitions to Him. There is even the parable of the persistent widow in scripture about continuing to be constant in prayer and even when you think your prayers are not being answered, Jesus instructs us to keep praying. He is more then ready and willing to hear anything we have to say to Him. Prayer is a faith builder, a relationship strengthener, a peace giver and is one hundred percent beneficial. I never have to fear investing time and emotions in prayer and being disappointed with the outcome…because our faithful and sovereign Father is always at the other end of those prayers. God loves when we simply come before Him just to talk. I’m so thankful He never tires of my going to Him with all my, often times, silly prayers. God has given each of us our personal phone booth to go to whenever we want. And best of all, it's free and there will never be a line we have to wait in! “Lord, thank you for the gift of prayer. Without it, I would be lost.”

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” – Romans 12:22
“But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.” – Psalm 66:19
“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” – Matthew 21:22

God arranges the smallest things…
Take little troubles as they come,
and remember them to your God
because they come from Him.
Nothing that concerns His people is small to God.
Your little anxieties are not too small for His notice,
for the very hairs of your head are all numbered (matt 10.30).
You may pray to Him about your smallest grief.
If not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from your Father’s will,
then you have reason to see that He arranges the smallest events in your career.
So accept them with joy.
This is a truth on which you may implicitly rely.”

“He knew all that would happen and all that you would do.
Nothing is a surprise to Him.
Known to the Lord from the beginning were all your trials
and all your sins.
Nevertheless, He still loved you.
In the foresight of all that was to happen,
do not think that He will now or ever forget you.
He will not!
If He so loved you, even when you were dead in sins,
will He deny you anything that is for His glory and your good?
If He loved you when you were a mass of corruption,
will He not answer your prayers now that He has made you an heir of heaven?
Beloved, be of good comfort!"

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