Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Deep Views Of Sin

In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Ephesians 1:7 - LET not the reader be satisfied to rest upon the mere surface of the truth, that Christ has made an atonement for sin; this may be believed, and yet the full blessedness, peace, and sanctification of it not enjoyed. Any why? Because he enters not fully into the experience of the truth. Shall we not say, too, because his views of sin rest but on the surface of sin’s exceeding sinfulness? Deep views of sin will ever result in deep views of the Sacrifice for sin; inadequate knowledge of sin, inadequate knowledge of Christ; low views of self, high views of Christ. Be satisfied, then, not to rest upon the surface of this wondrous truth. The completeness of Christ’s atonement arises from the infinite dignity of His Person: His Godhead forms the basis of His perfect work. It guarantees, so to speak, the glorious result of His atonement. It was this that gave perfection to His obedience, and virtue to His atonement: it was this that made the blood He shed efficacious in the pardon of sin, and the righteousness He wrought out complete in the justification of the soul. His entire work would have been wanting but for His Godhead." - Octavius Winslow

My friend, Mrs. Glick, told me about the website full of devotionals by Octavius Winslow. I had just been at a conference where they referenced many of O.W.'s deep and profound quotes and was excited to find a personal library of them! The above entry was just what I needed to preach the Gospel to myself this morning. I have sometimes tried to find the right balance in not feeling condemned by my sin, but also feeling the grief over it that is right. Sadly I think I've been erring on the side of trivializing it as of late, but Mr. Winslow makes a profound point when he said, "Deep views of sin will ever result in deep views of the Sacrifice for sin; inadequate knowledge of sin, inadequate knowledge of Christ; low views of self, high views of Christ." It is so true that the more I consider how sinful and wretched I am, the more beautiful Christ' sacrifice on my behalf becomes to me!

~Lord, forgive me for not adequately deepening my views of sin in order to grow more in love with You and what You accomplished for me. May I never be satisfied with the meager knowledge I have, but always seek to go deeper into the glories of Calvary. Thank you that Your atonement is perfect and everlasting. Continue to sustain my passion and desire for You and Your glory. Be near Oh God, and be glorified. Amen~


single focus family said...

Awsome! Excelent post Lana. I love teachings on the cross that show us the significance and seriousness of what took place. When contemplating Christ's work it should bring us joy, but often I think it is forgotten that we also should be sobered and humbled by what took place. We can't know how light God's burden is until we feel how heavy are's was. This post reminded me of this. Thanks.


single focus family said...

Dido's on what Kevin said. Also, you can probably call my mom Jean. I am sure she won't mind :)


Lana said...

Kevin, thanks for the encouragement. I liked what you said about not knowing how light God's burden is until we feel the weight of ours. True and worth remembering!

Kyle, thanks as well! Also, I do call your mom Jean in person and notes, but for some reason when I went to type it for the post it felt disrespectful to put Jean!?