Came across this today. I'm not even going to expound on it's speaks so truthfully and directly. I couldn't agree more with these words!
“I want to celebrate unanswered prayer.
I want to … thank God for all the prayers
I have prayed sinfully motivated,
that the Saviour hasn’t answered.
I want to thank God that he is sovereign, not sentimental.
I want to thank God for all the times when …
I have approached the Saviour
demanding that he do for me whatever I ask, …
that the Saviour’s response was not simply,
“You don’t know what you are asking”,
but that he withheld an answer to that prayer.
I am grateful to God for unanswered prayers.
Here’s a question, though: how do you respond to unanswered prayer?
I believe how we respond to unanswered prayer
normally reveals our motive
and ultimately reveals the purpose of our prayers.
If I encounter someone who is bitterly declaring,
“I have prayed … and the Lord hasn’t provided”,
that is usually the voice of someone who wants to use God …
rather than serve him for his glory.
I find unanswered prayer purifies my motive,
and often alters the very content of my prayer as well. - c.j. mahaney
“My disappointment and doubt when my prayers are unanswered show what’s in my heart. I think that God should see things my way. I think that he exists to make my path smooth. But where in the Bible am I given such a small view of God — a God whose thoughts are, well, my thoughts (Isa 55:8-9)? Where am I promised that every stone and bump in the road will be leveled before my feet?
In his mercy, God doesn’t say “yes” to my petulant, childish demands. Like a loving parent, he says “no”. When I respond with whining self-pity, like a spoiled child declaring, “It’s not fair!”, my wise Father doesn’t give in. He gives me what is truly good — what makes me more like Jesus, what furthers his kingdom, and what brings glory to his Son — rather than what looks and feels good to me at the time.
God sees things from a very different perspective to me.He sees things from the perspective of inconceivable wisdom,infinite goodness and immeasurable love.He sees things from the perspective of his glory…
Praise God for the blessing of unanswered prayer." - jean williams