Monday, April 13, 2009

My Rest In Weariness

It's so evident to me how unworthy I am of God's care and grace, and yet I am desperate for it everyday I live and breathe. I know with my mind the fact that no matter what we do or how long we live, we will always belong to the Lord...but yesterday I was struck again with the realization that nothing can separate us from the love of God and He will continue the good work He began in us, like He promised. It was comforting to think that God will be my friend no matter what happens. He is the one constant I can always count on. Though my flesh and my heart may fail, He is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. The following words reaffirmed my thoughts and feelings this morning. How kind of God.

All I Need
Oh, my precious Savior! You are all I need for time and for eternity. You are . . . my rest in weariness, my ease in pain, my strength in weakness. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Is anything too small for the Lord? Is anything too great or heavy for the Lord? No! My beloved and my adorable Lord, I fall into Your arms for support, guidance, and blessing.

Indeed, I am unworthy of the least of Your mercies, and I feel it. But Your mercies are free! Oh, the wonders of Your love, that can bear with such weakness and wanderings as mine! I worship and adore You, and would joyfully sink into Love's unfathomable abyss, where sins and self are lost! Oh! my precious Savior, how blessed is Your presence amidst the storms of this weary land! How does all that is of earth recede before the overshadowings of Your presence! Precious Lord, draw me more and more into Your secret chamber, where worldling never came, where the flesh was never fed. - ruth bryan