Tuesday, June 16, 2009

So, I had a new thought this morning...well, maybe not a new thought, but at least a better Formed, better Informed one. Selfishness/self-seeking directly correlates with not trusting God. The result? God will often times let us have our way, but in the end we will be unsatisfied. The opposite of that is unselfishness/surrender which correlates with trusting God. The result? God will take our interests into His hands. He will take care of us. You would think that knowing that truth would make us never want to take things into our own hands again, but no, like foolish children we often grab for control again and again! God is so kind and patient with us though. I am hoping to continue grow in trusting God and giving all to Him...He always knows the best time to give and the best gifts to give.

“If you will devote yourself to God,
as making a sacrifice of all your own interests to him,
you will not throw yourself away.
Though you seem to neglect yourself and to deny yourself,
and to overlook self in imitating the divine benevolence,
and He will see to it that your interest is provided for,
and your welfare made sure…

If you are selfish,
and make yourself and your own private interests your idol,
God will leave you to yourself
and let you promote your interests as well as you can.
But if you do not selfishly seek your own,
but do seek the things that are Jesus Christ’s,
and the things of your fellow-beings,
then God will make your interests and happiness his own charge, and
He is infinitely more able to provide for and promote it than you are.”
-jonathan edwards

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