Tuesday, April 28, 2009

God, My God

Prayer is a weapon, a tool, a life line. I know that I often want instantaneous results when I pray. Sometimes prayer may seem ineffective and like a mere charade. But God’s word tells us time and time again that He hears ours prayers and is at work even when we can’t see it. He is at work preparing the “good” things that were promised to us. “If you, bad as you are, know how to give your children what is good for them, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to those who ask him?" -Matthew 7:11

“Are you as often tempted as I am to doubt the effectiveness of prayer? But Jesus prayed. He told us to pray. We can be sure that the answer will come, and it will be good. If it is not exactly what we expected, chances are we were not asking for quite the right thing. Our heavenly Father hears the prayer, but wants to give us bread rather than stones.” – Elisabeth Elliot

I know that I sometimes feel guilty for continually going to God for needs and wants, but God has been so kind to remind me through His word and gentle prompting that He desires us to come to Him. I read once that it is stranger how little use we make of spiritual blessings, but it is stranger still how little use we make of God himself. We apply ourselves little to him and we ask little of him.

Spurgeon says, “How seldom do we ask counsel at the hands of the Lord! How often do we go about our business, without seeking his guidance! In our troubles how constantly do we strive to bear our burdens ourselves, instead of casting them upon the Lord, that he may sustain us! This is not because we may not, for the Lord seems to say, I am thine, soul, come and make use of me as thou wilt; thou mayst freely come to my store, and the oftener the more welcome. It is our own fault if we make not free with the riches of our God. Then, since thou hast such a friend, and he invites thee, draw from him daily. Never want whilst thou hast a God to go to; never fear or faint whilst thou hast God to help thee; go to thy treasure and take whatever thou needest--there is all that thou canst want. Learn the divine skill of making God all things to thee. He can supply thee with all, or, better still, he can be to thee instead of all. Let me urge thee, then, to make use of thy God. Make use of him in prayer. Go to him often, because he is thy God. O, wilt thou fail to use so great a privilege? Fly to him, tell him all thy wants. Use him constantly by faith at all times. If some dark providence has beclouded thee, use thy God as a sun; if some strong enemy has beset thee, find in Jehovah a shield, for he is a sun and shield to his people. If thou hast lost thy way in the mazes of life, use him as a guide, for he will direct thee.”

I have been sustained and upheld many times recently by taking hold of the gift of prayer. To be able to go to our caring Father and pour your heart out and receive the strength that He offers is such a sweet blessing. I know that I don’t always pray perfectly and that my motives are often mixed, but we serve an understanding and merciful God who does not treat us as our sins deserve and lavishes us with His steadfast love. So, whatever cares may be burdening your heart, cast them on your Heavenly Father. He loves to be our friend, help and support. He is able when we are not.

“Whatever you are, and wherever you are, remember God is just what you want, and just where you want, and that he can do all you want.”

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Don't Believe The Lie

He's keeping something from me! He doesn't want what's best for me...he's not giving me the best! Yes, he's given me lots of good things, but not the thing I want most.

I would imagine that Eve struggled with all of those thoughts in the Garden before she decided to take matters into her own hands. She began by breaking the first commandment and that was to start loving something more than God. She wanted her own happiness and desires fulfilled more than she loved God and wanted to obey Him. She craved something that wasn't hers. A lie was presented to her and instead of choosing to believe God, who had given her every good thing, she chose to believe the serpent. Eve was content in her fellowship with God and in what He had given her. But than she began to question God's goodness. She began to believe the lie that God didn't have her best interest at heart...that He was withholding something from her.

I don't know why God decided to have one tree in the Garden that was off-limits to Adam and Eve, but God knows. We sometimes imagine that God might eventually "sit us down" and "explain" His mysterious ways to our satisfaction. But being a Christian means getting comfortable with mystery. I read an example once about the possibility of a person never having seen a skyscraper. If we were to to happen upon a fenced in area where there was construction going on. Huge earth movers are at work; hundreds of men in hard hats are busy at mysterious tasks; cranes are being moved into place; truckloads of pipes and cement are being unloaded. What on earth is happening? There is nobody around to answer our questions. If we wait long enough, nobody will need to. When we see the finished building, all the incomprehensible activity becomes comprehensible. "Oh! So this is what that was for." It's the same way with God's plans.

Sometimes, we know exactly what a skyscraper looks like. It's big and beautiful and was made with our own hands. We can't imagine anything making us happier than the dream that lays before us. But God often times has other plans.

"When God shatters dreams, He rebuilds them into something beautiful. Perhaps not beautiful by worldly standards but more akin to what is captured in Isaiah, when God says He will give His people "a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair" (Isaiah 61:3)."- Suzanne Hadley

It's hard to trust that what the Lord chooses to give us or not to give us is His best. It's takes faith and daily surrender. It takes the practice of immersing ourselves in God's word and learning the character of who He is. The character that promises to never leave us, nor forsake us. The character that freely pours out steadfast love and forgiveness. The character that gave us the best gift we could ever imagine...His Son. Faith is holding out your hand to God and saying "I trust You". How comforting to know, we can trust our faithful Father.

"Sometimes when I was a child my mother or father would say, "Shut your eyes and hold out your hand." That was the promise of some lovely surprise. I trusted them, so I shut my eyes instantly and held out my hand. Whatever they were going to give me I was ready to take. So it should be in our trust of our heavenly Father. Faith is the willingness to receive whatever He wants to give, or the willingness not to have what He does not want to give. I am content to be and have what in Thy heart I am meant to be and have. From the greatest of all gifts, salvation in Christ, to the material blessings of any ordinary day (hot water, a pair of legs that work, a cup of coffee, a job to do and strength to do it), every good gift comes down from the Father of Lights. Every one of them is to be received gladly and, like gifts people give us, with thanks. Sometimes we want things we were not meant to have. Because He loves us, the Father says no. Faith trusts that no. Faith is willing not to have what God is not willing to give. Furthermore, faith does not insist upon an explanation. It is enough to know his promise to give what is good--He knows so much more about that than we do." - E.E.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

His grasp?
Ah, what a mercy it is that it is not YOUR hold
of Christ that saves you, but HIS hold of you!
What a sweet fact that it is not how you grasp His hand,
but His grasp of yours that saves you.

What sweet truth and comfort today and everyday. My soul finds rest in God alone.
The author and perfecter of my faith.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Slow But Sure

There are hard lessons to learn in life. An important one concerns the evil of our own hearts. I know some about it, but I need to know more. I see through scripture that the more I know of myself, the more I will love Jesus and His salvation. The more I know Him-the better I will trust Him. The more I trust Him-the more I will love Him. The more I love Him-the better I will serve Him. I am not called to buy, but to beg; not to be strong in myself, but in the grace that I receive through Christ. He is continually working in me and teaching me...and I know He will to the end. I love the following quote by John Newton. It's so full of honest facts about ourselves and unbelievable truths about God.

"I hope what you find in yourself by daily experience, will humble you—but not discourage you. For if our Physician is almighty—our disease cannot be desperate. Our sins are many—but His mercies are more. Our sins are great—but His righteousness is greater. When our sins prevail, remember that we have an Advocate with the Father, who is able to pity, to pardon, and to save to the uttermost! Think of the names and relations which Jesus bears to us. Does He not call Himself—a Savior, a Shepherd, a Friend, and a Husband? Has He not made known unto us His love, His atoning sacrifice, His righteousness, His promises, His power, and His grace—and all for our encouragement? It is better to be admiring the compassion and fullness of grace which is in our Savior—than to dwell and pore too much upon our own poverty and vileness."

My sins are many, but "HIS MERCIES ARE MORE"! My sins are great, but "HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS GREATER"! I have to remember that holiness isn't instantaneous. Yes, the power of sin was broken from our lives the moment God saved us, but growing to be like Christ is a process. Justification is immediate...sanctification takes time. Knowing this encourages me and gives my sinful soul hope for the future. I can be sure Christ is at work in me, even when it's hard for me to see. I'll leave you with the last part of the above quote.

"Remember, the growth of a believer is not like a mushroom—but like an oak, which increases slowly indeed—but surely. Many suns, showers, and frosts, pass upon it before it comes to perfection. And in winter, when it seems to be dead—it is gathering strength at the root. Be humble, watchful, and diligent in the means, and endeavor to look through all, and fix your eye upon Jesus—and all shall be well. I commend you to the care of the good Shepherd."

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

God's Story Tellers

The spiritual mind, fond of soaring through nature in quest of new proofs of God's existence, and fresh emblems of His wisdom, power and goodness, exults in the thought that it is his Father's domain he treads!

He feels that God, his God, is there.
And the sweet consciousness of His all pervading presence, and the impress of His great perfections which everywhere meets his eye, overwhelm his renewed soul with wonder, love, and praise.

O the delight of looking abroad upon nature, under a sense of pardoning, filial love in the soul when enabled to exclaim, "this God is my God!" - Winslow

"The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display His marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make Him known. They speak without a sound or a word; their voice is silent in the skies; yet their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to all the world." Psalm 19:1-4

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Rest In Weariness

It's so evident to me how unworthy I am of God's care and grace, and yet I am desperate for it everyday I live and breathe. I know with my mind the fact that no matter what we do or how long we live, we will always belong to the Lord...but yesterday I was struck again with the realization that nothing can separate us from the love of God and He will continue the good work He began in us, like He promised. It was comforting to think that God will be my friend no matter what happens. He is the one constant I can always count on. Though my flesh and my heart may fail, He is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. The following words reaffirmed my thoughts and feelings this morning. How kind of God.

All I Need
Oh, my precious Savior! You are all I need for time and for eternity. You are . . . my rest in weariness, my ease in pain, my strength in weakness. Is anything too hard for the Lord? Is anything too small for the Lord? Is anything too great or heavy for the Lord? No! My beloved and my adorable Lord, I fall into Your arms for support, guidance, and blessing.

Indeed, I am unworthy of the least of Your mercies, and I feel it. But Your mercies are free! Oh, the wonders of Your love, that can bear with such weakness and wanderings as mine! I worship and adore You, and would joyfully sink into Love's unfathomable abyss, where sins and self are lost! Oh! my precious Savior, how blessed is Your presence amidst the storms of this weary land! How does all that is of earth recede before the overshadowings of Your presence! Precious Lord, draw me more and more into Your secret chamber, where worldling never came, where the flesh was never fed. - ruth bryan

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Trouble Tree

This little story someone sent me reminded me of the verse,

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."

God is always faithful to take care of our troubles when we release them into His capable hands. The very act is freeing and we are then able to continue through our day with peace and thanksgiving, knowing our loving Father has everything under control.

The Tree
I hired a plumber to help me restore an old farmhouse, and after he had
just finished a rough first day on the job: a flat tire made him lose an
hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to start.

While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me
in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly
at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands.

When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation... His face
was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his
wife a kiss.

Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got
the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier.

'Oh, that's my trouble tree,' he replied 'I know I can't help having
troubles on the job, but one thing's for sure, those troubles don't belong
in the house with my wife and the children.. So I just hang them up on the
tree every night when I come home and ask God to take care of them. Then in
the morning I pick them up again.' 'Funny thing is,' he smiled,' when I come
out in the morning, they don't seem nearly as bad as I remembered the night before.

The tree that matters most is the one Christ died on. In the shadow of the cross, everything else pales in comparison. It's good to remember that God rescued us from our sin by sending His own Son. Why then would He deny us help with our troubles? He loves to be consulted and leaned upon for support. He's the best friend we have.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

God Knows

It's comforting to know that God is ever mindful of His children. For every task, big or small, He provides the strength to accomplish it. It's so true that the Lord does not give us grace for our imaginations of tomorrow, but grants us enough for one day at a time. Knowing this truth helps me to become more and more dependent on Him. There is nothing better than to be completely dependent on God. If I need strength, I can be sure I will have it. That is the nature of the God we serve. Even when I am overwhelmed, He knows my path.

When my spirit was overwhelmed within me,
then Thou knewest my path. psalms 142:3

DO not yield to the temptation of looking at everything at once,
as if everything would happen at once,
and all the events of the day be crowded into an hour.
Do not thus forecast,
but take each thing as it comes to you,
and look upon it as the present expression of the will of God concerning you;
then regard the next in the same way,
and thus receive your day piece by piece
from Him who will remember always
when He gives you work to do,
that you need strength to do it.

…if you need more strength,
you will have it, be sure of that;
or the call to greater exertion may never come to you.
Your business is with the present;
leave the future in His hands
who will be sure to do the best,
the very best for you.
priscilla maurice

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My Need For God Is Great

The following quotes encouraged me greatly today. I am deeply aware of my need for God's guidance and for His grace. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am not perfect and fail miserably day after day. But God in His mercy, reaches down and picks me up when I fall. It's hard sometimes trying to be obedient to God. I know God is aware though and when I stagger or stray or become too weary to go forward, He takes me by the hand and leads me on. It's hard sometimes to understand God's plan and the paths He leads us on. He isn't always asking me to understand though, but to be faithful. God knows my proneness to wander, but by His grace, He is helping me seek His will above my own. Not living perfectly, but living for a perfect God.

Walking with God by J. R. Miller
"Direct my footsteps according to Your Word; let no sin rule over me." Psalm 119:133
This is a prayer which should always be on our lips. We should get our direction from God, not once in our life only, when we first give ourselves to Him; not at the opening of each day only, as we go forth to the day's task; not merely at the beginning of each new piece of work or of each fresh task—but every moment, for each step. That is what "walking with God" means. We may make this so real, that we shall look up into God's face continually, asking, "What next, dear Lord? What shall I do now? Which course shall I take today? How shall I do this duty?" If we can but have God's guidance and help for the little short steps—we need not fear for the long miles—the great stretches of road. If each step is of His directing—the long miles will be paths of His choosing.
"Direct my footsteps according to Your Word; let no sin rule over me." Psalm 119:133

"Believers err in many things, falling many ways, and sin is mixed with all they do; but in the tenor of their lives all believers are faithful, seeking the will and glory of God in all things and above all things. As we become increasingly aware of our personal sinfulness and corruption, as we are humbled by the depravity of our hearts, nothing is more comforting, cheerful, and reassuring to God’s saints, than the knowledge of the fact that in the eyes of Christ we stand perfect in the beauty of his righteousness, the beauty which he has put upon us."-Don Fortner

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Having Been His Murderer

A great multitude of the people followed Him, including women who mourned and wailed for Him." Luke 23:27

Amid the rabble crowd which hounded the Redeemer to His doom, there were some gracious souls whose bitter anguish sought vent in wailing and lamentations--fit music to accompany that march of woe!

When my soul can, in imagination, see the Savior bearing His cross to Calvary--she joins the godly women, and weeps with them. They bewailed . . .

But my heart has a deeper and more bitter cause to mourn: MY SINS were the scourges which lacerated those blessed shoulders! MY SINS were the thorns which crowned that bleeding brow! MY SINS cried, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" and laid the cruel cross upon His gracious shoulders! His being led forth to die, is sorrow enough for one eternity--but MY having been His murderer--is more, infinitely more grief, than one poor fountain of tears can express! Those women who loved and wept--could not have had greater reasons for love and grief--than my heart has!

The widow of Nain saw her son restored--but I myself have been raised to newness of life!

Peter's mother-in-law was cured of the fever--but I myself have been cured of the plague of sin!

Mary Magdalene had seven devils cast out of her--but a whole legion of devils were cast out of me!

Mary and Martha were favored with visits from Jesus--but He dwells with me! I am not behind these holy women in debt to Jesus--let me not be behind them, in gratitude or sorrow.

"Love and grief my heart dividing,
With my tears His feet I'll lave;
Constant still in heart abiding,
Weep for Him who died to save!" - c.h.s.