"I was trying to bring all of my thoughts and questions and reasoning to God and expecting the answer to float up in front of me. I saw God as little more than the solution to my problem. With my decision I was acting as though God had no other purpose than giving me what I wanted: an answer. My thoughts were consumed with me-centered thoughts like, "How will this affect me? What will happen to me? Will I be happy?" It was me-driven decision making. I was treating God more like a Magic 8 Ball than a God that I loved and served."- Ricky Alcantar
This is an expert from my friend Ricky's latest post on Boundless. Decision making is also something I really struggle with and this article was very helpful and insightful for me. I often forget that my decisions should be less about me and more about God. If you get a chance, go to Boundless.org to read the entire article.
If we know what God is most passionate about, or what is the true source of His own pleasure then we should know best how to show our love to Him by joining Him in that pursuit. And since God’s passion is for his Glory, then we now know that by: (1.) Enjoying His Glory of His Son as the Greatest treasure(Matthew 13:44)and (2.) helping others to do the same, and (3.) by living our lives to “make known” His Supremacy and Preeminence and Frame, that in this we truly show we love Him, for this the very reason why He created us.
Loving God by actually seeking out, by going out of my way, in an hourly pursuit, to only do things that positively make His look famous and worthy, is my foremost personal goal. And what I have come to know is that looking at God as a magic Santa Clause to hohoho gifts down my way for "my" self seeking goals is one of the, if not the biggest, hindrances to that. This is where I find that the old man, with his old way of thinking (including me), needs a compete 180 in thinking about life.
Thanks for your insight into this...it's great the way you are striving to pursue God and the things of His word. Keep it up!
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