Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Blissful Security

The weight of my sin can often be oppressive to me. It can pull my spirit down to the point where I am longing with all my heart to be in heaven where I will sin no more. But this morning I was reminded that until that day comes, I still have the hope of knowing that Jesus has paid the cost for all my sins and my salvation can never be dissolved. What Christ did at Calvary, gives me hope to "joyfully" live out my day to day life. Until the day I die I will sin, but that sin no longer has power over me. God has called me and therefore He will continue His good work in me (Philippians 1:6). May I live out my days with a holy confidence in Him!

"Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. - 1 Thessalonians 5:24
Heaven is a place where we shall never sin; where we shall cease our constant watch against an indefatigable enemy, because there will be no tempter to ensnare our feet. There the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are at rest. Heaven is the undefiled inheritance; it is the land of perfect holiness, and therefore of complete security. But do not the saints even on earth sometimes taste the joys of blissful security? The doctrine of God's word is, that all who are in union with the Lamb are safe; that all the righteous shall hold on their way; that those who have committed their souls to the keeping of Christ shall find him a faithful and immutable preserver. Sustained by such a doctrine we can enjoy security even on earth; not that high and glorious security which renders us free from every slip, but that holy security which arises from the sure promise of Jesus that none who believe in him shall ever perish, but shall be with him where he is. Believer, let us often reflect with joy on the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints, and honour the faithfulness of our God by a holy confidence in him."- Charles Spurgeon